Services for terrestrial studies and monitoring include:
- Development of sampling plans and experimental designs for assessing wild and managed ecosystems including agroecosystems, rangeland, watersheds, biological reserves, wilderness…
- Field sampling with expertise in pitfall-, malaise-, sweep-net-, bowl-Japanese Beetle-trap methods
- Surveys of native or exotic invertebrate species including biocontrol agents, pollinators and pests
- Sample processing
- Taxonomic assistance and identification of invertebrate specimens
- Length measurements and biomass estimation with mass-length regression models or drying ovens
- Analyses: Univariate, multivariate, fine and coarse scale, population, community and landscape data
- Indicator species analysis, guild analysis, development of terrestrial Indexes of Biotic Integrity (IBI), etc.
- Habitat and climate modeling
- Data interpretation
- Assistance with writing grants (including Tribal grants under Section 106 of the Clean Water Act), report writing and preparation of manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals or presentations
- Taxonomic workshops and grant writing/application workshops