
Jed Sharrard keying out macroinvertebrates
Jed Sharrard keying out macroinvertebrates

Invertebrate Ecology Inc. (IE) is a small, woman-owned, business that specializes in the ecology of invertebrate fauna found in the Inland Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains and other ecoregions. Located in Moscow, northern Idaho, we provide assistance to clientele on many aspects of aquatic and terrestrial entomology, bioassessment, weed biocontrol, integrated pest management and invertebrate-plant interactions including host plant-pollinator relationships. Check out our Aquatics and Terrestrial services pages to learn more about specific projects and services.

IE has expertise in the taxonomy and biology of invertebrates including insects, spiders, myriapods (millipedes, centipedes, etc.), mollusks (snails and slugs) and crustaceans. However, our knowledge in the realm of sampling and experimental design also lends itself to investigations of flora and vertebrate species. We offer excellent prices and customize our services for each client that we work with. We provide great quality work and are less expensive because of low overhead and few indirect costs.

Our clients include the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, the Yakama Nation, the Spokane Tribe of Indians, the Confederated Tribes of the Siltetz, the

One of Tim's work stations, showing pinned and identified bumble bees in foreground and input spreadsheet in background
One of Tim’s work stations, showing pinned and identified bumble bees in foreground and input spreadsheet in background.

University of Idaho, and more. We also subcontract with other environmental consulting firms, including EcoAnalysists, Inc., Tetratech, Inc. and Cramer Fish Sciences.
Read our Statement of Qualifications